Brown Dog Tick

Brown Dog Tick

The brown dog tick can be found anywhere in the world. In the United States they can mostly be found in the warm southern states throughout all seasons. They prefer to stay close to places where there is a lot of humans and animals available to feed on, such as inside homes and dog kennels. Brown dog ticks can be identified by their simple brown bodies and they are also small in size. The primary host for a brown dog tick are dogs. Humans may become hosts as well but it is not a common occurrence.
A brown dog tick’s life cycle does not progress according to the seasons when compared to a deer tick. Brown dog ticks can lay eggs at any given time and are lively throughout the whole year.
Since a brown dog tick’s primary host is the domestic dog, they are known for their numbers to grow rapidly within a household where more than one pet resides.

Brown dog ticks can transmit numerous diseases but the most common are: